Most people believe they are likely to live a long life ... into their 80's, their 90's and maybe even longer. When you live a long life, you are more likely to need long-term care. Maybe you've seen this with an aging parent, a friend, or a neighbor.
When the need for long-term care occurs, will you be prepared? Will you have a plan in place? No one likes to think about aging. But, like it or not, we're all going to get older and that means you have to plan for it. When it comesto planning for long-term care, it's never too early to get the facts you need to make a smart decision. That's especially important because once you have health problems getting protection may be more difficult or even impossible.
When it comes to long-term care insurance, here are three important facts few people know:
1) There are ways to reduce the cost significantly.
2) A change in your health can increase what you pay for insurance protection. It can make it impossible to get long-term care insurance no matter how much you are willing to pay.
3) You might be surprised how affordable long-term cre insurance protection really is when you compare it to having to pay for care itself.
Remember: Living a long life is likely .... Planning for it is necessary and a smart financial move.