Monday, June 15, 2015
New Marketing Tool Asks Is Long Term Care Insurance Worth It?
Consumers considering the purchase of long term care insurance ask many common questions according to research conducted by the American Association for Long Term Care Insurance.
“Consumers really want to know if purchasing long term care insurance is really worth the cost, “explains Jesse Slome, director of the American Association for Long Term Care Insurance (AALTCI). The national organization has published a special consumer informational piece that will be included as part of the 2015 Sourcebook for Long Term Care Insurance Information.
“Some of the statistics that people throw around are actually misleading to consumers,” Slome notes. ”When the U.S. government says 70 percent of people will need long-term care, that may be true but does it relate to actually gaining benefit from owning long-term care insurance coverage. We want to give consumers an accurate picture and understanding.”
The new marketing tool will share real likelihood that a consumer buying a long-term care insurance policy at age 60 or age 70 will actually utilize their policy. “We also share data on where claims take place,” Slome adds. “Today, long-term care insurance is really nursing home avoidance insurance because people want to remain in their own home and this protection makes that possible.”